Saturday 9 June 2012

You are You .

You are my hero . My Superman . It is weird if I can easily forget you . You are my Superman . "Awak Superman Merah" . I really really want to meet you again . I want to tell you that I miss you and I want to have the same relationship that we had before . Our relationship is the best thing that I own . I miss you . I miss you . I miss you . I can't forget you . You are half of me . You make me smile . You make me cry and you make me happy always . I love You . Never ended :)

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ok???kalo ok jngan lupew link nie

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saye bdak yg selalu ditimpa masalah... "saye x pernah lupewkan awak...tpi awk selalu lupewkan saye...sesaat pon saye x pernah lupewkan awk...awk..saye nk awk tau...saye sayang awk.." ayat y paling saye suke !!